There’s something special about the first shoot of the new year – it’s a feeling of infinite potential. After taking a couple weeks to recharge during the holidays, it seems like everyone comes back with a fresh perspective. This year, we kicked off with a series of videos for Kettle & Fire – Premium Grass Fed Bone Broth. We had the chance to work with some of our all-time favorite collaborators, as well as new talent that we are excited to be connected with in 2024. The goal for the creative approach to this project was to keep things naturalistic. Our DP kept the camera on a handheld rig for most of the day. The idea was to create a visual style that felt effortless, rather than overly polished, bringing the viewer into a scene where they could imagine themselves. Working in a single location, our stellar Art team was working hard to dress each room as a different space, creating variation while still maintaining a consistent feel & style that permeates each video. One particularly exciting thing about 2024 is that we have so many solutions for remote workflows. Since our clients were primarily based on the East Coast, we used C2C technology from to upload clips instantly to the cloud. The clients were able to view the clips and provide notes immediately as we were shooting, keeping our communication streamlined and minimizing any surprises in Post. We also set up a live Zoom feed so they could see all the action in real time and chat directly with the on set producers. In addition to video, we also had the multi-talented Sarah Dyer shooting product stills. This type of flow during production is one that we use often. We shoot video and immediately light and shoot stills, or otherwise shoot stills and video at the same time. This way we’re able to maximize the content we can capture in a single day, providing all the assets that the client needs without doubling up on costs and time. In post production, we created a variety of cuts and variations, giving the client options to try on a variety of different platforms. Our rockstar Post Producer Solomon Murphy was there every step of the way to ensure that communication was smooth and quick. In the end, creating content is much like creating meals, simple and delicious.