Category : Uncategorized

Wrapping Up 2023

Just when you thought we’d made it through the Unprecedented Years, a historic strike takes…

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Wrapping Up 2023


We wanted to put BARCO’S LightSteering capabilities on display with this film. With a whole…

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Think Bold: Robbie Maddison

“Face your fears – live your dreams”– Robbie Maddison Think Bold is a mindset. It’s…

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Think Bold: Robbie Maddison



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Tools of the Trade

Our gear loves to work. Just like us. Whether it’s a commercial production, a web…

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Tools of the Trade

Wrapping Up 2022

As December seems to race by in the blink of an eye, it’s natural to…

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Wrapping Up 2022

Making Vacancy in Apartment B

“Narrative work is something that we all love to do, and it’s not every day…

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Making Vacancy in Apartment B

Reaching New Heights with JETSON

A SOLID FOUNDATION Tucked away in the gorgeous, unspoiled hills of Santa Maria a Monte…

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Reaching New Heights with JETSON

Kingston is with You

“Shooting a high-end commercial involving a cinema robot arm takes extreme coordination, but it all…

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The Gift of Flight

A behind-the-scenes look at Origin Point’s Camera-to-Cloud workflow for GO S Commercial.

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The Gift of Flight

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